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The manuals are free but since I have to use free file sharing platforms these sites always have their quirks, hopefully this one stay up. I will upload more as I have the time so check back.
Free Slot machine repair manuals
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Classic Atronic Slot Machine Service Manuals
Slot Machines have been a part of the gambling world for many years now. In the early years, slot machines where thought of as a novelty, or something to keep the wife busy while the real games were played. All this began to change in the 1960’s, when slot machines began to rise in popularity. By the early 1980’s slot machines began to account for as much as half of a casino’s income. At the present, slot machines clearly rule when it comes to gambling. Casino slot machines can account for as much as 70 to 80 percent of wagering done.
I cannot include every machine ever made as it would not fit in this book. The main games I will cover are the Players-Edge Plus and the Slot-Plus. These games were produced by IGT (International Gaming Technology) and are some of the most popular games ever made. IGT games by far-out number any other slot machine manufacture. Most casinos have 50 to 80 percent of their slot floors filled with IGT games. For this reason I have chosen the Players-Edge Plus and Slot-Plus games to explain slot machine repair.
If you need to fix a different type of game, the same theory will still apply. Certain things will be different, such as error codes and the games software. But much as in the way automobile manufacturers are different, there is still the same basic theory applied in way that they operate.
All slot machine manufacturers provide manuals for each slot machine they produce. These manuals appear cryptic, but provide a wealth of information. If you are working in a casino, the manuals for each slot machine are usually provided. If you are at home however, and don’t have your slot machine’s manual, try to acquire one. You can do this by contacting the manufacture or a local slot shop. (I have set up a site to download the S-Plus or PE-Plus manuals at http://www.npgcable.com/~aranger )
What Kind of Machine Do You Have?
There are three types of cabinet; the UPRIGHT, the SLANT-TOP and the BAR-TOP. The upright games are the most common cabinets and simply sit upright. The slant-top games are games that lean out in the middle (you can set things on a slant-top as you play them). Bar-top games are made to slide into a pre made cabinet at a bar so they will be flat and small.
The main identification on slot machines is a serial tag located on the outside of the machine. On upright games, the tag is located on the lower right-hand side. For slant-top games it will be located below the armrest on the right hand side. And bar-top games the front right hand side. The serial tag should have the manufacture, serial number, date made and the model number.
Slot Machine Basics
Slot machines took a huge leap forward in the late 1970’s with the invention of microelectronics, up until then, all slot machines where entirely mechanical or electro- mechanical. With the use of microelectronics, the video poker game was born, along with much more efficient slot-reel games. The old mechanical games used all kinds of springs, levers and gears to carry out its functions.
With microelectronics, almost all of these functions are placed on a single circuit board. There are several circuit boards in modern slot machines, but one circuit board stands out as the most important. This board is called the MPU (Main Processing Unit).
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Owning a vintage slot machine is one of those fun yet daunting ideas. Many old school one-armed bandits are beautifully designed and instant conversation pieces. Plus slot fans who own a machine don’t ever have to worry about losing money to the house.
Charles August Fey, a Bavaria-born inventor, was living in San Francisco when he invented his first gambling machine in 1984. His games grew to be so popular at local bars, he quit his day job and opened a factory to start mass producing them, most notably the Liberty Bell machines in 1899. A lot of the functionality from that early game remained in place through much of the 20th century. Watch this video to see the seven mechanical actions set into motion when you pull back the bandit’s arm. The inner workings are probably a little more complex than you expect.

Given that a lot of old slot machines are hand built, it isn’t surprising that coins can get jammed on their way through the mechanism. Big warning: If your machine jams, don’t force the arm or you can break, twist or damage a part inside. Different models and makes tend to have common jam points. The Mills model shown in the above video can have coins stuck in the “elevator” section that displays the last five coins dropped into the machine. Getting the slot working again can be as simple as cleaning the gunk off of an old part. You just need to be smart when you’re disassembling and reassembling the machinery.
Okay, there are plenty of more places where a coin can get stuck and the above video demonstrates how to fix a variety of jams. It also explains how to disassemble the major parts of the machine and where common problem areas are.
Curious how an antique slot machine knows how much money a winner gets? This video shows the punch-card like communication that trips payouts and how. If you ever need to replace the reel symbols or calibrate the machine you’ll need to understand how these work. Even if you don’t ever plan on owning a machine, the metallic “circuitry” is interesting to see.
Want to own a modern slot machine? New ones have plenty more bells, whistles and dings, and also a lot more advanced parts. If you plan on getting one, you may want to have an idea of what’s inside. In addition to the classic reels, there are speakers, motherboards filled with programming chips and plenty of wires. Unless you have a way with a soldering iron you probably won’t try and fix it. But in case you do, here’s a clip from Discovery showing what’s inside.
Did you know newer slot machines are smart enough to test themselves when a problem happens? This video shows you the procedure for having the machine check its own system. The host’s desert dry delivery is also enough to make this vid worth a watch.