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With a 10 luck and a large enough bankroll, a slot machine is basically an ATM in this game. With my high luck build, I won far, far more caps, far, far faster playing slots than anything else. Fallout 2: Are slot machines broken by the Restoration Patch? Question I just got finished burning through about 3000 caps, 5 at a time on the slot machines in Ascorti's Ace in Redding, with a Luck of 10 and a Gambling of 40%-and I got zero wins of in about 600 spins. Fallout: New Vegas. Blackjack is the least affected by luck. It's more a skill-based gamble. Slots and Roulette are heavily affected by luck.
since having 10 in luck increases all skills by 5 should i just raise all my skills to 95?
- Er, did you even read what he said? He said 'should I raise my skills to 95?'. And the answer is no. Spoon 17:04, 13 July 2009 (UTC) that 'no' saying that i shouldnt raise my skills to 95 because the 5+ bonus wont register or??because litterally speaking 95+5=100.......while typing..I think i figured out y u said no. please tell me if im correct..Say i start with 10luck. 25 all skills and +5(w/10Luck)=30 all skills. So i must till get 70pts to all skills to get to 100 since the points are added at the moment of luck increase. i guesss the only way is to start with 1 luck( = to +1 to all skills) and then, with intense training or some other method, adding 9 more pts to luck(assuming u had 96 pts in some skills)will increase my pts to 100...but having 1 luck is kinda dumb so this is kinda pointless...none the less..i think i fuggured it out =)

The luck bonus is calculated 'as you get it.' Having 1 Luck and then raising your skills to 95 and then raising your luck through items and perks would work. But, not only is that a pain to do, but you would have to be doing math every time you level. Start a character with INT 9, at level 2 go get the INT Bobblehead, and take that one perk that adds skill points. You should be able to max everything by Level 30 with skill books, easily. --Killchain 05:37, 18 August 2009 (UTC)
Random Encounters
Does this effect what random encounters you see? For example, with a High luck will I get the Firelance faster, and with low luck would I always run into the Talon Co., or something along those lines? -- 15:11, 28 July 2009 (UTC) “This is helpful in transitioning them into online customers. But that doesn’t fully satisfy some, who remain skeptical about whether an internet slot or automated table game is truly presenting the same payout rate and odds that occur in person. And for older people who didn’t grow up with the internet and mobile devices, gambling virtually is a foreign concept. Ensuring TrustLicensed online gaming operations are regulated just as highly as the games are at brick-and-mortar casinos. Hard Rock says the ability to view and control a live slot is an effort to ease such trepidation.“The psychology, there are brick-and-mortar players that have a fear of doing things online,” Spajic explained.
- The answer is most likely. Testing for this is difficult because it is buried in the exe, and not visible in the observable game data. Whether or not luck has an effect on random loot has been up for significant debate in Oblivion and Morrowind, and the consensus over in those communities is that while it can't be proven, it probably does. So I imagine Luck's effect on things like random encounters and random loot/merchant generation would be no different in Fallout 3. 03:57, 14 August 2009 (UTC)
Luck effect on enemies in Fallout 3
I was wondering if enemies can crit you you in fallout 3. Every now and then I take an extreme amount of damage from a bullet and I'm not sure if it's because he got a critical hit, or if I was simply hit in the head. I think they can score crits, but I'm unsure. 10:28, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
- Well,there CRitical chance depends on the difficulty,they almost never get criticals on very easy,but on very hard you'll be wondering why 85 DR doesn't helop against a BB Gun. Mr.Wolf 10:43, 13 August 2009 (UTC)
Luck can make all the difference. With a character started with 8 Luck I was able to make it to Rivet City at level 2 with nothing but the BB Gun. And defend myself from the Talon Company in the process. I found it funny. --Killchain 04:19, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
Yes, enemies can score critical hits. There is even a perk called Dream Crusher which reduces your enemies chance to score a crit by 50% -Anon
Clothing Effects
I've heard of bonuses to skills having an effect when the skill is already at 100. Does this also happen when Luck is at 10?Secondly, do followers get bonuses from wearing items that add to luck or other stats?--Fenix Kage 23:50, October 17, 2009 (UTC)
Fallout 2
I'm making a new character for Fallout 2, and I want to get the Cafe of Broken dreams. Should I put 5 special into LK, or what? 4sostrander 23:38, April 11, 2010 (UTC)
New Vegas Luck?
Are there any objects (like the Lucky 8 Ball), or headgear (like Lucky Shades or Three Dog's Head Wrap) that raise Luck in Fallout New Vegas? I'm more interested in an object or headgear, rather than a suit (like the Naughty Nightwear) or armor. Blackmonolith 07:04, October 24, 2010 (UTC)
You can go to the new vegas clinic just east of the crimson caravan and pay 4000 caps for a permanent 1+ to luck or any other stat.
-Regardless of the other effects Luck has on your character Luck is one of the best attributes for someone concerned with dealing high damage, especially with ranged weapons.
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Luck In Fallout Nv Slot Machines Machine
with the better criticals perk you do on average of 250% of a normal shot with a critical hit. with a natural 10 luck (9 + implant), finesse, and build to destroy trait you can have a natural 18% crit rate.

using a weapon that has a x2 modifier will set you at 36% to crit with a normal shot, and vats adds another 15% on top of that.
its not hard to see how you can easily double your damage output by having a high luck and the associated crit perks/traits.
the other benefits are just a bonus on top of that.
luck bugged in FNV?
started my char with 8 luck, wearing the naughty nightwear (the +1 LCK one) so thats 9, if i buy the implant, the nightwear doesnt +1 all my skills, rather it only +10's the speech.
Luck In Fallout Nv Slot Machines Free Play
Slot machines for fun play. A game with a low minimum bet would be best for you. Tips & Tricks for Free Slots No DownloadMany people have tried to crack the code of how to win at slots. The truth is, sometimes you just have to be lucky!
- This is not a bug, instead it has to do with how skills are derived and how Luck factors into the calculations:
- The initial value of each skill is a base value of 2, plus an amount depending on a character's value in the relevant attribute, plus a bonus determined by their Luck attribute, rounded up.
- (Source: Fallout: New Vegas skills#Formula)
- Basically, what happens is that gets rounded up to the nearest point whenever the Luck stat is an odd number. Subsequently, increasing your Luck stat by 1 point has no noticable effect on your skills. An increase to an even-numbered Luck score does still influence several other areas where Luck is calculated, so that additional point does not become wasted.
- --20:46, December 4, 2010 (UTC)SmithsonianDSP 20:46, December 4, 2010 (UTC)
10 Luck, 1 Luck
I added the two quotes Doc Mitchell gives you for having 10 or 1 Luck in the notes section.--CptMuddles 17:24, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
Luck In Fallout Nv Slot Machines Jackpots
- I got the comment about the bullets jumping back into the gun with a 7 luck. It was my highest SPECIAL, so I figured that's what spawned it.
If i have a 10 luck does that mean i always win in casinos?Noahg11 23:34, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
No, but you will win a lot, and get banned quickly. Roflmaomgz 07:49, June 25, 2011 (UTC)

Fallout Nv Luck
Gambling sucks in NV!I've got 6 luck (with nasty nightwear), and the winning odds are still far below the statistical rates :/-- 17:51, August 26, 2011 (UTC)
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