Slot Machine Is Cheating


The birth of the slot machine also gave birth to slot machine cheating. The reason why slot machines have been one of the biggest targets of cheating is that there are no casino employees present when the player is playing, unlike the table games. Another reason is that slot machines have become so popular - now representing 80% of an average casino's revenue - so there are too many machines for the casino's security cameras to be watching all the time.

But cheating a slot machine is very difficult to do. Besides attempting to design the machines to be cheat-proof, the casinos also watch players from the eye in the sky and are adept at spotting players whose actions are suspicious. Modern technology makes it even harder to cheat since the casinos can see the winnings of all the slot machines in real-time and can spot any irregularities.

Slot Machine Is Cheating Dating

In short, there are no slot cheats for modern slot games, whether they are in a brick-and-mortar or an online casino. THE MOST FAMOUS SLOT MACHINE CHEATS: TOP 10. We mentioned that there was a time when slot cheats were possible, due to mechanical defects of the cabinets. Well, here are some examples. Sometimes the cheat comes with the slot machine built in. The most known slot machine with its glitch was ‘’The Game King’’. To exploit the glitch, the gambler would put more money into the machine after the “double up” prompt and then switch back to the original game they were playing for $1.00.


Types of cheating

One of the main targets slot cheaters focused on was the payment mechanism - the machine's process of reading the inserted a coin and giving a corresponding credit to a player. The cheaters' strategy often was to find a way to receive credits from the machine without having to pay any coins. In that regard, the old, mechanical and electro-mechanical machines were a lot easier to cheat than the newer slot machines. The newer slot machines, many of which use bill acceptors instead of coin acceptors, utilize anti-cheating and anti-counterfeiting technologies and are much more difficult to cheat.

Slot Machine Is Cheating
  • Slugs

    An old trick was to insert fake coins into a machine in order to gain credit. In the past, cheaters made millions of dollars with this method, but now it is outdated.

  • Coin on a string

    Another old trick cheaters used to use was to attach a string to a coin, known as a 'plug', and insert the coin and pull it back out after the slot machine had given credit. These days slot machines are designed to catch these tricks.

  • 'The slider,' or 'monkey's paw'

    Older slot machines had a small switch that needed to be triggered to release a payout. A 'slider', or 'monkey's paw', was a made of steel and wire and was snaked up into the payout chute to trip the payout switch and make the machine overpay. Slot machine technology negated the advantages of this technique around 1991.

    A more primitive version of a monkey's paw is a bent coat hanger. One cheater allegedly won over $200,000 with this method before being caught.

  • The light wand

    This simple device was made up of a camera battery at one end and a mini light bulb at the other end. It was used to blind the machine's optical coin counter. If you turn on the device near the machine’s light sensor and made it bright enough, you could blind the sensor. Thus, the machine is unable to realize that it is paying out coins. This technique has also become more difficult to execute as slot machines now have more sophisticated methods of keeping track of payouts.

  • Programming

    This is where a programmer of a slot machine can code in a 'glitch' into the slot machine's software and then later play the machine to take advantage of the glitch. This is a difficult strategy to execute because you would need to be an insider. Ronald Dale Harris, one such insider, was a computer programmer who worked for the Nevada Gaming Control Board in the early 1990s who rigged slot machines to pay out large sums. He was eventually caught after winning thousands of dollars.

Don't even think about cheating

All of the roadblocks detailed above are compounded by the fact that casino cheaters face very serious legal consequences in the form of heavy jail time and very high conviction rates. Thankfully for the casinos, few people try to cheat the slots - and, needless to say, I don't even recommend that you try.


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HPG ADMIN on February 27, 2013

Tommy Glenn Carmichael was born in the mid-1950s during a time when technology was starting to advance more rapidly. Even as a child, knowing how and why a piece of technology works the way it does interested Tommy, which is probably why he decided to open a television merchandise and repair shop in the 1980s.

His shop was located in Tulsa, Oklahoma and it was called, “Ace TV Sales and Service.” Tommy’s business was an instant success, as it was the first of its kind in Tulsa, but as more and more stores like it started to open up, Tommy soon was losing too much revenue to stay afloat.

Cheating A Slot Machine

His business was breeching a shutdown around the same time that his third divorce was being processed. In addition to that, Tommy was still doing community service for his earlier convictions of drug possession. His life was falling apart right before his eyes but he was determined to turn things around.

Slot Machine Cheating Devices App

Tommy’s friend from High School, Ray Ming, showed up to save the day.

Slot Machine Is Cheating Brother

When he arrived, he encouraged Tommy to open the trunk of his car, claiming that the object inside would turn his life around.

Slot Machine Cheating Device Emp

He was certainly right! In the trunk was a miniature slot machine and a classic cheaters tool: a top-bottom joint.

Carmichael took the machine apart and started to learn the mechanics of the slot machine, so that he could truly understand how to use the top-bottom joint to his advantage. After many hours of practice, Tommy was finally ready to try out his new methods on a casino in Las Vegas.

Since it was his first time, Tommy decided to use this strategy on one of the nickel machines, somehow managing to win thirty-five dollars in just a matter of minutes. He then moved on to other machines in various casinos across Las Vegas, winning nearly ten thousand dollars in one weekend.