Twin Peaks 'Call for Help' Season Three, Part 3 Written by Mark Frost & David Lynch Directed by David Lynch Original air date: May 28, 2017 |
Cooper's journey continues; Jacoby does some painting; is it the bunny?
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Twin Peaks is your local sports lodge. Come in for made-from-scratch food, signature 29° draft beers, and all the scenic views. Find one near you! Maybe the funniest Twin Peaks scene ever follows: As the jazzy strains of “Take Five” play in the background, the catatonic Mr. Jackpots sits at the breakfast table with Dougie’s family, his.
This episode is dedicated to the memory of Don S. Davis and Miguel Ferrer, the actors who played Major Briggs and Albert Rosenfield. Davis died in 2008, Ferrer in 2017.
Characters appearing or mentioned in this episode
Agent Cooper
Major Briggs
American Girl
American Girl's 'mother' (unseen, heard banging on door in the purple room)
Mr. C
Dougie Jones (discorporated in this episode)
Twin Peaks Dougie Casino
Mikey (mentioned only)
Little boy
Drugged-out mother
Andy Brennan
Lucy Brennan
Lawrence Jacoby
Old lady slot addict
Jackie (casino floor attendant)
FBI Deputy Director Gordon Cole
Agent Albert Rosenfield
Agent Tamara Preston
Agent Chris Rummel (referred to only as Chris in the episode, last name listed on the Twin Peaks Wiki)
Sam Colby (video of corpse only)
Tracey Barberato (video of corpse only)
Didja Notice?
This episode introduces us to Naido (named only in the end credits), an Asian-appearing woman in an otherworldly building (or maybe a spaceship), in a purple room, whose eyes appear to have been partially-sewn and partially-grown shut. She seems to have some sort of connection to Cooper's former secretary Diane Evans in Part 17:'The Past Dictates the Future'. The name 'Naido' is almost an anagram of 'Diane', with the 'e' replaced with an 'o'. In Japanese Buddhism, naidō means 'inner path'.
At 4:47 on the Blu-ray, a hand appears to be motioning for Cooper (McLachlan?) to stop in the bottom right corner of the screen, barely noticeable. It is Naido's hand, the motion seen from Cooper's point of view in a shot seconds later as time seems to stutter in the room.
In the purple room, there are two wall lamps lit up on either side of the fireplace and there are two unlit floor lamps as well. The floor lamps appear to be the same design as the two seen in the Red Room.
At 7:35 on the Blu-ray, Cooper approaches a large electrical socket labeled '15' in the purple room, but Naido stops him from getting close. Later he enters another non-purple, but otherwise almost identical, room with another electrical socket labeled '3' and he is taken back to Earth through it. Could the '3' indicate this episode, which is Part 3 of this season? In which case, the '15' socket may indicate Part 15 ('There's Some Fear in Letting Go'), the episode in which Cooper/Dougie gets his mojo back and becomes the full Cooper again through an electrical socket in Dougie's home.
What if Cooper had used socket 15 and had returned to Earth in Part 15:'There's Some Fear in Letting Go'? He would not have helped Dougie Jones' family, would not have aided in the rehabilitation of Anthony Sinclair, and would not have befriended the Mitchum brothers.
The blind Naido feels Cooper's face with her hands and seems to react to what she finds, trying to speak in dull, cutting sounds. Possibly, this is Diane recognizing Cooper by the feel of his face.
A loud banging begins to sound on a metal door leading into the purple room. Naido seems frightened of it and warns Cooper to remain silent with a finger to her lips. The banging is never explained (though American Girl later says 'My mother is coming,' when the banging starts again), but may be related to whatever the Fireman referred to in Part 1: 'My Log Has a Message for You' when he said, 'It is in our house now.' What is it? Judy? Perhaps the banging is the same as that heard, in reverse, at Glastonbury Grove when Hawk visits it at night in Part 2: 'The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself'.
Naido leads Cooper up a ladder to a hatch resembling an attic door in the ceiling and they emerge on the top of a boxy structure floating in space. The structure appears much smaller on the outside than the purple room and environs they were just in. A bell-shaped form with a lever on it sits on the roof of the structure; it's not clear what this is, but seems to be electrical in purpose, as it shocks Naido when she pulls the lever, sending her falling down into space. (Possibly it is this incident that sent Naido to the Ghostwood Forest near Twin Peaks, where she is found on the ground outside the entrance to the White Lodge (?) in Part 14:'We Are Like the Dreamer'.)
Wms slots reel em in free download. When Naido pulls the lever, a light shining on her and Cooper goes out. What was the source of the light?
After pulling the lever, Naido is shocked by electricity and falls off the structure, down through space until she disappears. Was the shock that knocked her from the structure punishment for pulling the lever? It seems that by pulling the lever, Naido has switched the room the ladder leads to, allowing Cooper to escape.
The face floating through space that Cooper sees at 11:16 on the Blu-ray is that of Major Briggs and it speaks in the voice of the major.
When Cooper climbs back down the ladder, he finds himself in another, similar room, with a giant electrical socket labeled 3 instead of 15. The woman seated there is credited as American Girl in the end credits, played by Phoebe Augustine. Augustine also played Ronette Pulaski in the original is American Girl really Ronette? It seems to me the sobriquet of 'American Girl' may be a hint that it is Ronette. Ronette might still be considered a girl in the original series, where she was a high school student, but the person in the purple room is clearly much older, a woman. So, why is she not called American Woman? Maybe because, to Cooper, she is still the young high school girl he met in Twin Peaks in 1989. Recall that the song 'American Woman' appeared in Part 1: 'My Log Has a Message for You'. And Jerry Horne, comments on brother Ben's attractive new middle-aged secretary Beverly in that same episode, stating, 'Is that the new girl? Or should I say 'woman'?A woman like that, you can't call a girl.' The song and Jerry's dialog almost seem to be auguring this very argument.
A blue rose is seen in a vase on a table in American Girl's room at 12:58 on the Blu-ray.
At 14:02 on the Blu-ray, American Girl's watch appears to indicate a date of Saturday the 1st. If this season takes place in 2017 as indicated in The Secret History of Twin Peaks, then it is either April 1 or July 1. April 1 is also April Fools' Day, ironically. Of course, in the strange otherworld Cooper is trapped in at this point, what do dates really mean?
The time on American Girl's watch changes to 2:53 p.m. as she looks at it. The time of 2:53 reappears throughout the season.
When the banging on the door starts again, American Girl tells Cooper 'You'd better hurry. My mother is coming.' Does her mother (Judy?) want to stop Cooper from returning to Earth?
Is there any significance to Dougie Jones having the same first name/nickname as Dougie Milford (whom we learned was a colonel in the U.S. Air Force and head of Listening Post Alpha on Blue Pine Mountain in Twin Peaks in The Secret History of Twin Peaks)?
Why do Cooper's shoes get left behind when he gets sucked through the giant electrical socket? It took him with the rest of his clothes, why not the shoes? Notice also that when Dougie is drawn into the Lodge at 23:17 on the Blu-ray, he also does not have his shoes. Possibly it's reference to Dorothy's ruby slippers that allow her to return home in the 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

At 17:46 on the Blu-ray, Mr. C's Lincoln town car is seen to have South Dakota license plate, TJF 397.
The house Dougie and Jade have their tryst in has a 'for sale' sign in front, with Sudermore Real Estate of Las Vegas as the listing realty company and the last name of (Michelle?) Gomes as the agent. Most of the houses on the street have 'for sale' signs in front from assorted realtors.
Jade's vehicle is a 2015 Jeep Wrangler Sahara with Nevada license plate 704 AJQ. Dougie's is a 2000 Ford Taurus with Nevada license plate DUGE LV; the DUGE obviously stands for 'Dougie' and possibly the LV stands for Las Vegas.
In Dougie and Jade's tryst bedroom, a bottle in a brown bag is seen on the floor. Probably they enjoyed some liquor in addition to sex.
Dougie Jones is wearing the Owl Cave ring and his arm has suddenly gone numb. The numbness is presumably an indication that he is about to be drawn into the Black Lodge.
At 2:53 p.m., both Mr. C and Dougie vomit up garmonbozia while red drapes appear in front of them. Then Dougie is drawn into the Lodge, leaving Mr. C behind on Earth. It seems likely that this was the reason Dougie was 'manufactured' (to use Mike's term); Mr. C used Dougie to take his place in the Lodge when his 25 years on Earth were supposed to be up.
When Cooper emerges from the electrical wall socket into the tryst house, he is wearing his suit, minus shoes, but also minus his FBI lapel pin. Why is it not still on him? Where did it go? It did not fall to the floor with his shoes in the purple room. Its absence may be symbolic of Cooper not being his whole self yet (in fact Cooper is soon literally walking in Dougie's shoes!), but it doesn't explain where the pin went.
The tryst house was filmed at 37890 Lopez Lane, Palmdale, CA. The home of the drugged-out mother is across the street, as depicted.
The car driven by Gene at 29:38 on the Blu-ray is a 1971 Chevrolet Chevelle. Jake's car is a 1986 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS.
The house across the street from the tryst house has a DirecTV satellite dish on the roof.
Notice that the headrests are missing from the seats in Jade's vehicle as she drives Dougie-Cooper out of the housing tract. This is common to see in film and television productions, presumably to keep the actors' heads more visible in the shots. However, the headrests are back in place when she drops him off at the casino at 41:38 on the Blu-ray!
At 30:16 on the Blu-ray, Jade and Dougie-Cooper drive past Sycamore Street. This appears to be a fictitious road in Las Vegas. Cooper turns his head to look at it, his memory likely harkening back to the twelve sycamore trees at Glastonbury Grove near Twin Peaks, where the entrance to the Black Lodge is located.
The shot of the Rancho Rosa Estates sign was filmed on Woodbank Way in Palmdale, California.
The realtor listed on the sign at 30:39 on the Blu-ray is Peter Glavich.
Jake radios Gene that they'll see each other at Mikey's. We never learn who Mikey is.
The drugged-out mother across the street from the tryst house is drinking Evan Williams bourbon and smoking Fortuna cigarettes. She also has the same brand of playing cards (Pavilion) that Mr. C has an ace from in Part 2: 'The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself'. A red balloon is seen on the floor behind her. Is there any connection to the red balloons later seen at Lucky 7 insurance?
The drugged-out mother starts calling out '1-1-9' when Gene approaches Dougie's parked car across the street. Possibly, she means to say 9-1-1, the emergency phone number in the United States. Is she supposed to be keeping an eye on the tryst house? Is she supposed to 'call 911' if something happens there? If so, who put her up to it?
What drug is she on? Is it sparkle? Has the drug put her in partial connection with the Black Lodge, accounting for her speaking 9-1-1 'backwards'?
The South Dakota Highway Patrol car that pulls up to investigate Mr. C's crash is a 2006 Dodge Charger very similar to actual the vehicles used by SDHP, but the emblem is slightly different, with the real one being an inverted triangle. | |
Production car | Real world SDHP Charger (photo from |
During the deputies' search for whatever is missing from the Cooper case files, Hawk has brought coffee and donuts from the RR Diner, as seen by the RR2GO logo on the boxes.
The box of chocolate bunnies from the Laura Palmer case looks identical (or nearly so) to the one used when the box first appeared in Episode 0B:'Northwest Passage'.
Lucy reveals that she ate one of Laura Palmer's chocolate bunnies back when the case was still active, having heard that chocolate may help to relieve gas. Actually, the way most cocoa is prepared, it is more likely to cause gas! At the time the Palmer case was opened (in 1989), Lucy was pregnant and pregnancy is known to cause excess gas due to increased amounts of the hormone progesterone during pregnancy.
The gas mask Jacoby wears while spray painting his new shovels is made by Sperian, a real world company. Notice that the mask already has a lot of gold paint residue on it, seemingly dry. Is he in the habit of spray painting things gold? Has he already painted more shovels than just the six we see here? At 39:20 on the Blu-ray, note that he has quite a stockpile of gold spray paint shelved in the cabinet next to his trailer. Later in the series, we see him offer these shovels for sale through his internet broadcast, theDr. Amp Blast. Perhaps he has offered other gold items in the past as well?
Jacoby wears his red and blue glasses even under the mask!
Jade drops Dougie-Cooper off at the Silver Mustang Casino. This is a fictitious casino in Las Vegas, filmed at the Crowne Plaza Hotel and Commerce Casino in Los Angeles. Is the name Silver Mustang a play on the 'white horse' that appears at times in conjunction with Black Lodge happenings (in Episode 14: 'Lonely Souls', Fire Walk With Me, and Part 2: 'The Stars Turn and a Time Presents Itself').
At 44:59 on the Blu-ray, notice that the cashier at the Silver Mustang is wearing a ring quite similar to the Owl Cave ring (but not exact). What is the significance of this? (The cashier is played by Meg Foster, known for her role as Holly Thompson in the cult classic 1988 John Carpenter film They Live, about aliens disguised as humans who have secretly taken over our world and who subliminally command us to consume, breed, and conform; by wearing special sunglasses, one can see the aliens for what they are..shades of Jacoby!)
During Dougie-Cooper's visit to the Silver Mustang, a number of real world slot machines are seen: Jackpot Party, Year of Best Wishes (Konami), Adorned Peacock, Wild Aztec, Goddess of Gold, Sumatran Storm, Black Orchid, Star Spangled Sevens, White Diamonds, Martini Madness, Wild Eights, Giant Jackpot, Strike It Rich, Red Hot Jackpots, American Dream, Eye of the Tiger, Candy Bars, Fireball Frenzy, Black Panther, and Big Pay Day. The machine Dougie-Cooper is led to by the red room visions for his first jackpot is fictitious: Fives and Sparklers.
The man who congratulates Dougie-Cooper on his first jackpot is actor Josh McDermitt, best known for his role as Eugene on TV series The Walking Dead.
The casino floor attendant (Jackie) is played by Sabrina S. Sutherland who is also an executive producer on the series.
The building in Philadelphia seen at 51:28 on the Blu-ray is City Hall. The statue mounted on top is of William Penn (1644-1718), founder of the colony of Pennsylvania in 1681.
As the Philadelphia scene opens, a group of FBI agents including Gordon Cole, Albert Rosenfield, and Tammy Preston are discussing a murder case (seemingly unrelated to our main storyline) involving a congressman that occurred in Georgetown. Georgetown is a neighborhood of Washington D.C.
The evidential gun seen on the table during the FBI meeting at 52:15 on the Blu-ray is a MAC-10 with a suppressor.
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The evidential jar of beans on the table is a Ball brand mason jar.
Agent Preston makes her presentation on the Sam and Tracey killing on a Sony television screen.
Gordon Cole has a large blow-up photo of a nuclear explosion mounted on the wall behind his desk. This may suggest he is somehow aware that the Trinity nuclear weapons test of July 16, 1945 released supernatural forces into the world, as later seen in Part 8:'Gotta Light?'.
At 54:40 on the Blu-ray, Cole has a large portrait photo of Franz Kafka on his wall. Another portrait of Kafka can be seen on the wall of the Hastings home in Part 1: 'My Log Has a Message for You'!
I wonder if there is any significance to the portrait being located on the opposite wall from the nuclear Kafka watching the explosion? Is he seeing the metamorphosis of the world in it (Kafka wrote the novella The Metamorphosis)? (Of course, Kafka died decades before the first nuclear bomb test at Trinity Site.)
After hearing that someone purporting to be Cooper is in custody in South Dakota, Gordon informs Albert and Tammy that they are headed for the Black Hills and Albert sarcastically remarks, 'The Black Hills? Seriously?' and Gordon responds, 'As happy as this news makes us, Albert, we can't put this on the radio.' Gordon seems to have misheard 'seriously' for 'Sirius', the satellite radio service officially known as Sirius XM Radio.
Albert then sarcastically says he's been dying to see Mt. Rushmore and Gordon says, 'It's good you want to hurry' (as in 'rush more'). Mt. Rushmore is a gigantic granite sculpture, in the rock of the mountain called Mt. Rushmore in the Black Hills range of South Dakota, of four of what have been considered America's greatest presidents, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln.
Albert also adds, as an aside to Tammy, 'The absurd mystery of the strange forces of existence.' This is a quote from David Lynch describing his unfilmed script titled Ronnie Rocket.
At the end of the episode the band Cactus Blossoms perform their 2017 song 'Mississippi' at the Roadhouse.
Unanswered Questions
Why are there so many slot machines paying out big jackpots at the Silver Mustang when Dougie-Cooper plays there? Realistically, there wouldn't be so many right about to pay out at the same time. It would seem that besides just pointing out winning machines to him, the mystical mojo following Cooper around since his release from the Lodge is affecting probabilities. In fact, one might argue that Dougie-Cooper's presence in scenes throughout the season seems to affect probabilities, particularly those that concern how others treat him kindly and help him despite his seeming ineptitude.
Memorable Dialog
'Part 3' | |||
Twin Peaks episode | |||
Special Agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) and Naido (Nae Yuuki) on the top of the structure floating into space. The scene has received critical acclaim, and was compared by many critics to the surreal sequences in Lynch's Eraserhead.[1][2] | |||
Episode no. | Season 3 Episode 3 | ||
Directed by | David Lynch | ||
Written by | David Lynch Mark Frost | ||
Featured music | Angelo Badalamenti | ||
Cinematography by | Peter Deming | ||
Editing by | Duwayne Dunham | ||
Original air date | May 21, 2017(Showtime Anytime) May 28, 2017(TV Broadcast) | ||
Running time | 58 minutes | ||
Guest appearance(s) | |||
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Episode chronology | |||
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List of Twin Peaks episodes |
'Part 3', also known as 'The Return, Part 3', is the third episode of the third season of the TV series Twin Peaks. It was written by Mark Frost and David Lynch, directed by Lynch, and stars Kyle MacLachlan. 'Part 3' was released on Showtime's streaming service Showtime Anytime along with Part 4 on May 21, 2017, immediately after the broadcast of the double premiere; it was eventually broadcast on Showtime on May 28, 2017, and seen by an audience of 195,000 viewers in the United States.[3] It received mainly positive reviews.
Call for help.
The small town of Twin Peaks, Washington, has been shocked by the murder of schoolgirl Laura Palmer (Sheryl Lee) and the attempted murder of her friend Ronette Pulaski (Phoebe Augustine). FBI special agent Dale Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan) has been sent to the town to investigate[4] and has discovered that the killer was Laura's father, Leland Palmer (Ray Wise), who acted while possessed by a demonic entity, Killer BOB (Frank Silva).[5] At the end of the original series, BOB trapped Cooper in the Black Lodge, an extra-dimensional place, and let out Cooper's doppelgänger to use him for physical access to the world.[6] 25 years later, Cooper's doppelgänger roams freely through the world, with Cooper still inside the Lodge.[7] Laura tells Cooper that he is free to go, but while he roams the Lodge, one of the statues turns into the doppelgänger of the Arm[n 1] and opens up the floor, causing Cooper to fall into space.[8] He eventually lands on a glass box in New York City; he is absorbed by it and floats inside, only to disappear before the box's absent guardian, Sam Colby (Benjamin Rosenfield), returns with Tracey Barberato (Madeline Zima).
Cooper continues to descend through space. He eventually lands on a balcony; looking outside, he observes a purple ocean stretching as far as he can see. Cooper enters the building through a set of windows; inside, in a nightmarish blur, a woman with scars on her face and large patches of skin over her eyes (Nae Yuuki) sits in front of a lit fireplace. Cooper asks the woman where they are, but she responds only with disjointed, high-pitched breath noises. A loud pounding is heard, as if something very powerful is trying to enter the room, and the woman signals Cooper to be quiet. He notices a large electrical throw-switch mechanism on the wall labeled with the number 15, but she keeps him away from it and leads him up a ladder. They reach the roof, where the structure they had been inside appears as a metallic cuboid floating in space with a bell-shaped mechanism on its top. The woman throws a switch on the mechanism and receives an electric shock, which throws her into the void but makes the hitherto blurred reality come into focus. After she has fallen out of sight, Garland Briggs's (Don S. Davis) head floats under the structure and says 'Blue rose.'[9] Cooper walks back downstairs and encounters another woman (Phoebe Augustine, who plays Ronette Pulaski in previous installments of Twin Peaks but is listed in the episode's credits as 'American Girl') sitting in front of the fireplace. Cooper approaches her while she checks her wristwatch; as the watch strikes 2:53, the mechanism on the wall, now labeled with the number 3, begins to hum, and a light on a coffee table turns on.
In South Dakota, Cooper's doppelgänger is driving along a deserted road when he begins to feel uncomfortable. The cigarette lighter in his car begins to exercise an electric force on him. Cooper observes the mechanism as the woman by the fireplace tells him, 'When you get there, you will already be there;'[9] he approaches the machinery, but recoils when his face begins to deform. He continues to feel uncomfortable, while back in the purple room, more insistent pounding is heard, and the American Girl tells Cooper to leave because her mother is coming. Cooper approaches the throw-switch mechanism again, and it begins to suck him into itself, elongating and deforming his body and leaving only his shoes behind. The doppelgänger begins to lose consciousness and loses control of the car, crashing on the side of the road. He gags, but holds back his vomit; as the cigarette lighter continues to exercise the force over him, red drapes faintly appear in front of him.
In a house for sale in the Rancho Rosa estates, Las Vegas, Dougie Jones, a man physically identical to Cooper but for his weight, hair and clothes (MacLachlan) sits with prostitute Jade (Nafessa Williams) on his lap, saying that his arm (on which he wears the Owl Cave ring) feels 'tingly.'[9] Jade takes her payment and proceeds to shower; Dougie gets out of bed only to experience greater pain and weakness. He falls down, as the doppelgänger continues to hold his mouth in South Dakota. Dougie crawls down the corridor, attempting but failing to alert Jade; he proceeds to move toward an electric socket, which exercises a force on him. As red curtains faintly appear in front of him, Dougie vomits and is transported away with a loud noise, which at last alerts Jade. The red curtains fade away and the doppelgänger vomits a mixture of creamed corn and engine oil and passes out. In the Black Lodge, Dougie is seated before MIKE (Al Strobel), who explains that someone manufactured him for a purpose. Dougie's hand begins to shrink, and the ring falls down; his heads pops out with a hiss, producing black smoke, and a golden orb floats out of it. Dougie's body deflates; an egglike object appears, prompting MIKE to shield its sight. The object deflates, letting a golden orb fly out of it; the orb and the object collide on the armchair, which produces smoke and a loud electrical crackling noise. When MIKE looks back, a small golden orb is on the chair; he picks it up along with the ring, which he proceeds to put on a pedestal.
In the house, a cloud of black smoke pours out of the socket and materializes into Cooper on the ground near Dougie's vomit. Jade exits the shower, and takes Cooper for Dougie; she is surprised to see him in a suit, with less weight and different hair, but is disgusted by the vomit and suggests that he could be sick. Cooper does not seem to react to her, and stands up or moves only when pushed. He exits the house with Jade, who notices that he is not wearing any shoes and tells him to go back and put them on; as he does not react, she walks back inside and takes them for him, only for him to follow her back in again. Jade eventually fastens his shoes for him and begins to take his nonresponsive state for granted; when searching his pockets for his car keys, she can find only the key to Cooper's room in the Great Northern Hotel, which puzzles and upsets her, as she now has to drive him back.
As the duo drive away, Gene (Bill Tangradi), a paid killer, parks in front of the house, and Jake (Greg Vrotos), his partner, says he is ready to shoot him if they pass by the entrance. Jade tells Cooper to call AAA as soon as he finds a wallet or some money; when they pass through Sycamore Street, he takes out the key to his room and begins to observe it. When the car hits a bump, the key falls, and Cooper bends down to take it, so Jake does not see him as they pass. Cooper eventually gets up without the key; as Gene is told that Dougie did not leave Rancho Rosa, he puts an explosive device under Dougie's car and drives away. A boy (Sawyer Shipman) observes the scene from his house across the street, as his drugged-out mother (Hailey Gates) repeatedly yells 'One-one-nine,'[9] takes a pill with whiskey and lights a cigarette.
Two highway patrolmen reach the doppelgänger's car in South Dakota; when one of them, Billy (Travis Hammer), checks inside the car, he becomes immediately ill from the smell, prompting his partner (Stephen Heath) to call for backup. At the Twin Peaks Sheriff Station, Hawk (Michael Horse), Lucy (Kimmy Robertson) and Andy (Harry Goaz) sort through files in search for something missing that relates to Hawk's heritage. Upon seeing a box of chocolate bunnies amid the evidence, Lucy, guilt-stricken, uncomfortably admits to have eaten one of the bunnies years before to get rid of 'a bubble of gas.'[9] Andy asks Hawk if Native Americans use chocolate as a remedy; Hawk responds that the investigation is not about the bunny, but thinks for a moment before deciding that the bunny is not relevant to their search. On the White Tail Peak, Lawrence Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn) spray-paints five shovels with golden paint and hangs them to dry.
Jade drops Cooper at the Silver Mustang Casino, giving him $5 and instructing him to call for help; when she orders him out of the car, Cooper remembers Laura Palmer telling him that he can go out. Cooper begins repeating 'Call for help', the last thing Jade said to him, to anyone who asks or prompts him. After struggling to pass through the revolving doors, he enters the casino; he is redirected by a guard (Brian Finney) to the cashier (Meg Foster) who changes his money. Cooper walks onto the casino floor, where he observes a man (John Ennis) hitting a jackpot and exclaiming 'Hellooo-ooo!'. Cooper notices a floating apparition above one of the slot machines, depicting the Red Room. He approaches it and repeats the jackpot winner's behavior, gestures and exclamations of verbatim; he hits a mega-jackpot, and is complimented by another patron (Josh McDermitt) for having 'broken it.'[9]
Cooper follows the apparition to another slot, again imitates the other winner and hits another mega-jackpot as an old lady (Linda Portress) stares at him in envy; the floor attendant, Jackie (Sabrina S. Sutherland), congratulates him and when Cooper says 'Call for help', goes to fetch a bigger bucket. Cooper points at another slot machine with the Red Room apparition next to the old woman; angered, the woman gives him the finger. As he walks away, she covetously eyes the mega-jackpot winnings he left behind but cannot take them because the CCTVs are on, prompting her to angrily give a camera the finger. Cooper follows the floating sign to yet another slot, while Jackie returns and is told that he left; she leaves a guard to watch the winnings. Cooper plays at the machine and wins a third mega-jackpot; upon seeing this, the old woman goes to the slot machine Cooper pointed to before, wins a mega-jackpot and claps and cheers ecstatically.
At FBI headquarters in Philadelphia, Deputy Director Gordon Cole (David Lynch) and Agents Albert Rosenfield (Miguel Ferrer) and Tamara Preston (Chrysta Bell) discuss a case with five other agents: a congressman has been accused of brutally murdering his wife and claims to be innocent but unable to identify of the killer as it would breach national security. He gives them instead a series of clues: a photo of a woman in bikini, a pair of pincers, a photo of two more girls in bikinis, a picture of a child in sailing attire, a machine gun and a jar of lentils. Cole assigns all agents except Tammy to the case; he then asks her to brief him and Albert on her investigation of a double murder in New York. Tammy shows them photos from the building, including one of Sam Colby's and Tracey Barberato's mangled corpses, and the only photo the cameras have captured of the Experiment (Erica Aynon). Cole is informed that there is a call for him about Cooper, which shocks him and Albert; the three of them run into Cole's office, where he takes the call and is informed that Cooper is being held prisoner in South Dakota. He arranges for him, Albert and Tammy to leave for South Dakota the following day, then leaves the room; Albert says to Tammy, 'The absurd mystery of the strange forces of existence.'[9]
In the Roadhouse, the Cactus Blossoms play their song 'Mississippi.'
'Part 3', like the rest of the limited series, was written by Mark Frost and David Lynch and directed by Lynch.[10] Frost had already written ten episodes of the original series—the 'Pilot' and Episodes 1, 2 and 8 with Lynch, plus Episodes 5, 7, 12, 14, 16, 26 and the original series finale, Episode 29. Lynch also directed six episodes of the original series—the 'Pilot', 'Episode 2', 'Episode 8', 'Episode 9', 'Episode 14' and 'Episode 29'.[11] The episode is dedicated to the memory of Miguel Ferrer and Don S. Davis, who both appear in it, Ferrer in new material and Davis in archival footage.
Almost every episode of the 2017 Twin Peaks series features a live performance by a band at the Roadhouse. In this episode the American country group Cactus Blossoms performs their song 'Mississippi'. Additionally, the song 'Dream Recall' by Lynch and Dean Hurley is featured; as of January 2018, the song has not been released on any official soundtrack.
'Part 3' was originally released on the Showtime Anytime app together with Part 4 on May 22, 2017; the episode was subsequently broadcast on the Showtime network on May 28, 2017, and was watched by 195,000 viewers in the United States,[3] the lowest number of viewers for the season.
Critical reception[edit]
'Part 3' received critical acclaim. On Rotten Tomatoes, the episode received a 100% rating with an average score of 8.5 out of 10 based on 21 reviews. The critics' consensus reads, 'Part 3' Shifts Twin Peaks signature strangeness into an intoxicating new gear while narrowing the season's off-kilter narrative focus.'[12] Writing for IndieWire, Liz Shannon Miller praised the way Part 3 'really challenges the show’s link to what we consider normality—the first half hour especially proves to be intense.' She called the earlier sequences of the episodes 'exhilarating' '[f]or those who want nothing more than to delve into the mysteries of the Black Lodge and whatever happened to Agent Cooper,' while also writing that they 'provide little respite for fans in search of solid ground.' She praised the episode as proof that 'the descent into madness is real.'[13]
The New York Times' Noel Murray called the episode 'a dose of David Lynch madness so concentrated and so puzzling that it might’ve been best just to let it bounce around in viewers’ heads for a week'; he compared the episode's early scenes to Lynch's feature debut Eraserhead, 'which also has images of a Godlike being yanking levers in a cosmic factory', and called them 'wondrously confounding.' Murray praised Part 3's 'normal' moments, while calling the episode as a whole mostly 'pure, magnificent abstraction.'[1] In his recap for Entertainment Weekly, Jeff Jensen gave Part 3 an A-, praising its first scene as a 'mesmerizing passage of pure Lynchian invention,' 'a wonderful flexing of Lynch’s intuitive art-making powers, and, in my view, a love letter to filmmaking and his fans.' He wrote that the episode 'continued to defy our expectations of Twin Peaks here at the start. But I’m liking it and I find meaning in the challenge.'[2]
The A.V. Club's Emily L. Stephens gave Part 3 an A, citing the scene in Hawk's office as an example of the way the series 'employs the cute stuff, the cozy stuff, the comfortable stuff [..] as a counterpoint to its cruelest moments.' She wrote that in the episode 'women’s bodies are even more ostentatiously objectified', noting that Jade, 'one of the few black actors in Twin Peaks, is introduced nude' and serves a small purpose to the plot, and that 'the silhouette of Agent Tamara Preston [..] frames the scene' in which Cole and Rosenfield are told that Cooper is back; she clarifies that '[t]his is not a complaint', and praises it 'as a comment on objectification' rather than 'a thoughtless reiteration of it.' Finally, she praises 'the imponderable experimentation of the opening, with Cooper descending into a dim room where an eyeless woman powers a clumsy vessel through a starry void.'[14]
- Albert's line 'The absurd mystery of the strange forces of existence' was the subtitle of Lynch's unrealized film project Ronnie Rocket.
- ^The original actor for the arm, Michael J. Anderson, did not return to the role. The voice actor for the arm is uncredited.
- ^ abMurray, Noel (May 26, 2017). ''Twin Peaks' Season 3, Episodes 3-4 Recap: Falling in Space'. The New York Times. Retrieved January 25, 2018.
- ^ abJensen, Jeff (May 28, 2017). 'Twin Peaks recap: 'The Return: Parts 3 and 4''. Entertainment Weekly. Retrieved January 25, 2017.
- ^ abPorter, Rick (May 31, 2017). 'Sunday cable ratings: 'Naked and Afraid XL' tops a down day'. TV by the Numbers. Archived from the original on May 31, 2017. Retrieved January 24, 2018.
- ^David Lynch (writer and director); Mark Frost (writer) (April 8, 1990). 'Pilot'. Twin Peaks. Season 1. Episode 1. ABC.
- ^Tim Hunter (director); Mark Frost (writer) (December 1, 1990). 'Episode 16'. Twin Peaks. Season 2. Episode 9. ABC.
- ^David Lynch (director); Mark Frost (writer); Harley Peyton (writer); Robert Engels (writer) (June 6, 1990). 'Episode 29'. Twin Peaks. Season 2. Episode 22. ABC.
- ^David Lynch (writer and director), Mark Frost (writer) (May 21, 2017). 'Part 1'. Twin Peaks
- ^David Lynch (writer and director), Mark Frost (writer) (May 21, 2017). 'Part 2'. Twin Peaks
- ^ abcdefgDavid Lynch (writer and director), Mark Frost (writer) (May 21, 2017). 'Part 3'. Twin Peaks
- ^'Twin Peaks- Part 2 (1990) – Full Cast and Crew'. IMDb. Retrieved November 27, 2017.
- ^'David Lynch movies, photos, movie reviews, filmography, and biography'. AllRovi. Rovi Corporation. Retrieved October 28, 2017.
- ^'Twin Peaks - The Return, Episode 3'. Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved May 5, 2020.
- ^Miller, Liz (May 22, 2017). ''Twin Peaks' Episodes 3 and 4 Review: More Than Ever, David Lynch Is Still Screwing With Us'. IndieWire. Retrieved January 25, 2017.
- ^Stephens, Emily L. (May 24, 2017). 'Twin Peaks turns nostalgia and garmonbozia up to the max, for good or ill'. The A.V. Club. Retrieved January 25, 2018.
External links[edit]
- 'Part 3' at Showtime
- 'Part 3' on IMDb